It's Official: The Zombieland 2 Trailer is the Worst of the Year

Not every film has to get made

This trailer is just awful. The first time I watched it, I watched it through undisturbed and didn’t laugh once. I had to double check the Wikipedia page for this film, and yep – Zombieland: Double Tap is an ‘upcoming American zombie comedy film’. Ok the zombie bit is kind of obvious, but the comedy bit certainly isn’t. I didn’t even crack a smile when I watched this, it’s the definition of trying too hard to be funny and actually just ends up looking
pretty shit.

The dumb blonde character almost has her head shot off by Jesse Eisenberg with a shotgun and what’s her response? “Please forgive me, it’s fake fur.” Are you serious? Is that the best line these writers could come up with. This is written by the guys who did Deadpool (2016), which of course had a lot of improv from Ryan Reynolds, but that was one of my favourites films of that year. The funniest part of this trailer was that they actually promote the fact that this is directed by the same guy who directed the Venom (2018) film. That’s hardly something to be proud about.

There’s an abundance of one liners and quick quips in this trailer. Which, if that’s your thing, you might want to have this trailer on loop for hours at a time. But, I just have so many issues with this film even existing. Is this the sequel everyone was really clamouring for? I don’t know how any human being can actually be excited or be looking forward to this film. The first Zombieland (2009) was fine for what it was, but I don’t think people would’ve started online petitions had a second part never been made. It does play into the common complaint that too many Hollywood productions are sequels or reboots of old properties. Zombieland: Double Tap has a budget of $42 million, this makes me sad. I don’t think it will makes it money back either, so the studio is hardly going to see much bang for its buck here.

This has all the tropes of a bad trailer that is, ultimately, foreshadowing a bad film. Voice over narration for a trailer in 2019 always gets me a bit worried and makes me think there’s not going to be much of a story here. Then they play Backstreet Boys for no reason, this would’ve been minorly acceptable in the early 2010s but not now. But this is a red band trailer meaning they can swear and show violence as much as they like. And how do they really push the boat out here? By making Woody Harrelson says “rules are for pussies.” This trailer is just lazy, boring and uninspiring rolled up into one two minute video.

Jesse Eisenberg’s in this as well, which has all my alarm bells ringing. He’s not a bad actor, he’s really not. He just does the same thing every movie. He speaks really quickly and sounds like a robot with zero emotional range. But hey, Emma Stone’s back. Oscar winning Actress, Emma Stone, is in Zombie Land 2. Well at least she’s making some good money as well. Can’t knock her, she’s been some amazing films recently, so power to her.

Of all the trailers this year this is the one where you just think these are a bunch of rich people who are probably mates who have gotten together to make a film. I wouldn’t be this grumpy if I actually thought people cared about this film. But I don’t think even the people who made it do.

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