Last Christmas Review
Is this film on the naughty or nice list?

Well, the Christmas spirit is well and truly under way – meaning it’s time to get festive. Last Christmas is virtually the only new Christmas film coming out this year and stars Emilia Clarke and Henry Golding. Written by Emma Thompson, who also plays Emilia Clarke’s mother, this film is inspired by the absolute Christmas classic song ‘Last Christmas’ by ‘Wham!’.
Before addressing the film itself, it’s important to first put things into perspective. This song is amazing and is held in the highest esteem of the British people come Christmas time. My top 5 Christmas songs (not in order) are:
- Last Christmas – Wham!
- All I Want For Christmas – Mariah Carey
- Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire – Nat King Cole
- So This Is Christmas – John Lennon
- Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer – Destiny’s Child Version Only
This film is directed by Bridesmaids (2011) and A Simple Favor’s (2018) Paul Feig. While it is nothing like his prior outings, this film knows exactly what it is – a cheesy, corny Christmas rom-com. It’s about Emilia Clarke’s character, Kate, meeting Henry Golding’s character, Tom, and being inspired by him (and his good looks) to stop being a selfish person and be more caring and considerate of others. A suitable Christmas sentiment indeed, but this film isn’t quite the Christmas classic one would have been hoping for.
When the world saw Crazy Rich Asians (2018) we weren’t just gifted Henry Golding, but his on screen mother Michelle Yeoh too, who is also in this film. She is absolutely hilarious and all the scenes she’s in get the biggest laughs. As well as being a source of humour in this film she is also a close confidant of Kate, and is one of the people trying to get her out of her rut.
Golding and Clarke had great chemistry in this film and made a cute couple. I genuinely think Golding is going to be big time and will be a major name for years to come. I already think he should be in the conversation to play the next James Bond, and this performance could have only strengthened his cause.
Right – now all the good stuff out the way, let’s be brutally honest. Emilia Clarke wasn’t terribly good in this film. She gives a pretty bad performance and while her character is meant to be unlikable, even by the end when she’s turned things around I didn’t warm to her at all. Also, I have to say this, Clarke’s eyebrows are actually too distracting. She goes so overboard with the facial expression in some scenes. I kid you not, in some scenes when she frowns, her eyebrows are virtually vertical – not a good look.
I really love the fact this film is so British, and is set in my hometown of London. I’m never going to get tired of seeing the best city in the world on the big screen. But Thompson’s script completely shoehorns in some very British topics – namely, Brexit. I mean, for fuck sake, we go to the movies to not hear about shit like that. Give it a rest Emma, we didn’t need any politics in this film and asides from being a bit annoying it doesn’t fit into the film either. Thompson plays Clarke’s Yugoslavian’s mother. But rather ironically, Thompson basically gives a caricature performance, with an over the top Eastern European accent. Her character essentially only gets laughs because she is portrayed as a dumb foreigner (did she even read her own script?).
Ok then, ladies and gentlemen, it’s well known that this film has a major plot twist in it. I wouldn’t dare ruin this to my audience. Especially as it is Christmas after all. But, I’ll say this, Last Christmas hits us with an M Night Shyamalan twist. Except it’s not Sixth Sense or Signs Shyamalan but rather The Happening or The Last Airbender Shyamalan. It’s so stupid, and so ludicrous that Christmas might get cancelled this year. It’s genuinely amongst the dumbest film twists there’s been for a while and there’s no doubt it will ruin much of the movie for many, as it did for me.
It’s not a terrible film. In fact, I found certain parts very funny and the Christmas spirit is very much present. There’s some good messages and the basic message of helping others is always going to go down well. However, it’s not going to be one we all gather round to watch on Christmas days to come. The twist seriously affects my overall rating of this film. Last Christmas, I’m afraid you’re on the naughty list.